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Goz's work was informed by French theologian Teilhard de Chardin; consciousness researchers Carl Jung and Ralph Metzner; and urban architect-philosopher Paolo Soleri among others.
Goz’s work was informed by French theologian Teilhard de Chardin; consciousness researchers Carl Jung and Ralph Metzner; urban architect-philosopher Paolo Soleri (founder of the ecocity research project Arcosanti near Phoenix, AZ); geochemist and mineralogist Vladimir Vernadsky (most noted for his 1926 book The Biosphere); systems ecologist and engineer John P. Allen (the inventor and director of research of Biosphere 2); and architect and systems theorist Buckminster Fuller, whose theories on whole-systems inter-relatedness was popularized by his two-volume work Synergetics: Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking (1975) and Synergetics 2: Further Explorations in the Geometry of Thinking (1979).
Acknowledging Fuller’s influence, Goz titled his 2013 TEDx talk “Designing the Control Panel for Spaceship Earth,” wherein he described the humanistic and ecological dimensions of emergent information and communication technologies:
“This open, self-organizing, distributed network is not unlike many designs found in the biological realm. Engineers and theorists alike began seeing the reflection of our evolving digital world in the mechanisms of nature’s distributed networks, binary codes, memory, processing codes, and feedback loops… I am convinced it is an evolutionary imperative that we build the equivalent of a control panel for Spaceship Earth so that we can move beyond our adolescence as a species and live up to our role as stewards of this living planet and participants in the galactic ecology of living worlds.”
Michael Gosney – 2013 TEDx talk “Designing the Control Panel for Spaceship Earth,”
Dr. Future: “N:OW – Dr Future’s Blog – Interview – Media Pioneer Michael Gosney on the Renaissance of Digital Multimedia
Jul 16, 2020 Video Interview Mayte Bluestein
Michael Gosney – How We As Organisms Are Constantly Programming Our Reality Matrix…
Backplane Theory
“Nearly everyone who knew Michael was aware of, and likely very impressed by what he called his Backplane Theory. To summarize, the Backplane was Michael’s comprehension of a Universal Mind, a noosphere-like repository of all thoughts and ideas. But Michael took this conception several steps further. He also speculated how it might function and how our relationship with it was essential to our ethics and purpose.
“Michael postulated that the Backplane, whether it be a celestial library compiling and transmitting information in some real dimensional sense, or a phenomenon existing solely in our collective psyche and archetypal consciousness, must reflect the processes of nature and biology, just as those processes are also reflected in our new realms of digital technology. AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. And because the Backplane exists outside of time, the quality of experience we bring to it both creates our future and reconstructs our past. Therefore, every moment can be transformative, and transcendent.
“In essence, Michael’s Backplane theory is a brilliant and inspiring reimagining of our concept of, and our relationship with SPIRIT. The ancient Greeks called it Aether, the pure essence that the gods breathed. In the East, Akasha was imagined as an ethereal fluid pervading the cosmos. The Stoics and the Platonists conceived it as the basis for thought and creation–the Logos. The Gospels called it the Word. Jung termed it the collective human unconscious.
“This is the realm of thought explored by the sages, the seers, the oracles, the alchemists. In his philosophy, Michael was of a mind with the great thinkers of human history. But even more than that, Michael’s life exemplified the Backplane in action. He didn’t just seek it; he sought to be it. He didn’t just conceive it; he consciously became it.” -Steve Wagner
Goz discusses Backplane Theory and other efforts.
Sep 30, 2019
A little gathering around the firepit, in the daytime, in front of the beach house, with Michael Gosney, Michael Moore, Nick Herbert, August O’connor. Michael reviews many of his projects and current efforts. Jump to 40:00 for his comenatary on the Backplane Theory. Video Allan Lundell.
Click and drag on the video to change POV.